Investment areas Greece

Tourism business
For Greece tourism investments are an all-time classic. Tourism is one of the major industries in Greece and the business always evolving. There are many opportunities for new investments in Greek tourism. Beyond new hotel construction, there are many hotels which need renovation and upgrading. Other very interesting investment opportunities are in tourism infrastructure (example marinas) and development of special tourism services like golf, wellness, medical tourism a.o.
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Greece is worldwide acknowledged for its healthy food & beverages. In view of the globally increasing interest of consumers for healthy diet, Greek food & beverages have a high growth potential in terms of exports. In Greece most of fine food producers are small family-owned companies with limited resources. Therefore the food & beverage sector in Greece provides many investment opportunities to foreign investors.

Greek Fine Foods
Greece is worldwide acknowledged for its healthy food & beverages. In view of the globally increasing interest of consumers for healthy diet, Greek food & beverages have a high growth potential in terms of exports. In Greece most of fine food producers are small family-owned companies with limited resources. Therefore the food & beverage sector in Greece provides many investment opportunities to foreign investors.

Health sector
Health business is in all markets an industry with high growth rates. Greece has a very good coverage in terms of hospitals (public and private). Beyond on hospital business there are a lot of areas in health sector which are poorly developed. Examples are home care services, special services for elder people and digitalization in health services.

Renewable energies
Climate conditions in Greece are perfect for a high performance of renewable energies. Currently the sector of renewable energies attract strategic investors from all over the world. The application pipeline for new projects is overloaded, but there are still opportunities in the acquisition of projects under development or in operation.

Infrastructure projects
Climate conditions in Greece are perfect for a high performance of renewable energies. Currently the sector of renewable energies attract strategic investors from all over the world. The application pipeline for new projects is overloaded, but there are still opportunities in the acquisition of projects under development or in operation.

ICT & Cutting-edge technologies
Maybe never heard of, but Greece is strong in IT & technology startups. The high level of academic education and research in Greece is generating many interesting start-ups in information technology and other technology areas (for example nanotechnology). Technology investors will find in Greece investment opportunities with extraordinary growth value.